About Us

Little Friday is a Kingston based boutique video production company, focused on producing the highest quality video for lifestyle and hospitality brands. Our extensive work in documentary film making, TV production, and arts + entertainment ensures that the unique nature of your brand is captured in a distinctive , stylish, and engaging video designed for your digital platforms.

  • Søren Gregersen


    Søren, the Scandinavian sweetheart, is a videographer and editor from Copenhagen, Denmark. With over 12 years’ experience in television and documentary filmmaking, Soren’s attention to detail and love of cinematic aesthetics are present in everything he makes. Søren likes to spend his little Friday nights admiring his small cup collection, snacking on a bun and cheese, and practicing his handstand skills.

  • Ciara Roberts

    Creative Director + Operations

    Ciara is an improv comedian, musician, and writer from Kingston, Ontario. With a background in content creation, entertainment, and education, Ciara is all about taking a creative idea and turning it into something tangible. She is the captain for all your communication and logistics needs throughout your project. Ciara likes to spend her little Friday nights lighting every candle in the house and dancing to disco tunes.